AI SAC: A Predictive Model for Osteointegration Failure in Dental Implant Surgery

We explore the potential of artificial intelligence—specifically, MedlibreGPT AI SAC integrated with a localized large language model (LLM) knowledge corpus—to predict osteointegration failure following dental implant surgery. Intraoperatively, Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ) values are recorded and referenced against preoperative planning data and bone density measurements. These ISQ readings serve as an additional parameter for diagnosing implant stability and informing decision-making during treatment and follow-up remote monitoring.

To personalize predictions, we create a virtual AI profile of the surgeon by incorporating their personal experience and ingesting relevant literature specific to their preferred implant designs. This allows us to tailor threshold values for implant stability based on individual surgeon recommendations.

By remotely monitoring data from continuous teleconsultations post-surgery, we develop a personalized risk profile that considers patient-specific factors and surgical details.

MedlibreGPT Software Architecture

InteractionEmail or SMS
Patient LayerFrom the patients’ perspective, it is a web widget.
SOLUTIONS LAYERThe functionality is controlled via the prompts which are accessible through Nextcloud.
AI LayerMedlibreGPT is a fork of PrivateGPT. We implement different foundation models.
DATA LAYERWe have all the data on NEXTCLOUD and a PostgreSQL database, scalable as desired.
INFRASTRUCTUREThe data is on AWS or online as a VM machine.

Patient Interfaces to MedlibreGPT

Fragebogen Plastische Chirurgie

Fragebogen interaktiv


Video Fragebogen

AI Chat

IBM Watson

MedlibreGPT – AI in der Ordination

Das System ist entwickelt auf Basis von open source. Alle Rechte sind bei EURODOC Telemedizin ForschungsgesellschaftmbH.

1. Hybrider Ansatz: Kombination von Online- und Lokaler AI

2. Datenschutz und Compliance

3. Effiziente Patientendatenverwaltung


MedlibreGPT bietet eine innovative Lösung für Zahnarztpraxen, indem es fortschrittliche AI-Technologie mit Datenschutz und Effizienz verbindet. Sein hybrider Ansatz, die Einhaltung der DSGVO und die Fähigkeit, ohne Internetverbindung zu funktionieren, setzen neue Standards in der dentalen Gesundheitstechnologie.

1. AI-Assisted Implant Funnel and Teleconsultation

The implant funnel represents the patient’s journey from initial inquiry to successful implant placement. MedlibreGPT revolutionizes this process through intelligent automation and enhanced communication.

Key Features


Technical Implementation

2. AI-Assisted Preoperative Implant Planning

Leveraging advanced AI algorithms, MedlibreGPT enhances the preoperative planning phase by incorporating SAC (Straightforward, Advanced, Complex) parameters into comprehensive treatment plans.

Enhanced SAC Analysis

AI-Enhanced Planning Features

3. AI-Assisted Intraoperative Monitoring and Consultation

The AI Copilot system provides real-time decision support during surgical procedures, enhancing surgical precision and safety.

Real-Time Monitoring

AI Copilot Features

4. AI-Assisted Postoperative Remote Monitoring

Continuous patient care and monitoring through intelligent remote systems ensure optimal healing and long-term success.

Remote Monitoring Capabilities

Smart Alert System

Documentation and Analysis

Integration and Workflow

All components work seamlessly together through:

Security and Compliance

Performance Metrics

Future Developments

MedlibreGPT’s component system is designed for continuous improvement and expansion:


This comprehensive AI-assisted system represents a significant advancement in dental implant treatment, offering unprecedented support throughout the entire patient journey while maintaining the highest standards of care and security.